Trouble Shooting-Common Problems with Silicone, Latex, Urethane, Epoxy March 23, 2017 Sometimes, when working with new materials or working familiar materials in a new way, you run into issues. We previously wrote a post about common problems with curing, This post will focus on issues that might have a curing component (soft spots, sticky areas, etc.), but mostly on problems with the materials acting in unexpected […]
Two Part Pourable Silicone Pumpkin Mold December 1, 2016 For this project, we will use pourable silicone to create a two part mold of a pumpkin. Two part silicone mold requires two separate pours of silicone, so these types of molds usually take two or three days to make. Materials needed: Small pumpkin AeroMarine 128 Pourable Silicone with Catalyst Non-sulfur, non-drying modeling clay (Plasticine, […]