Epoxy Comic Book Tabletop April 6, 2018 We have received lots of phone calls from people wanting to use old comic books and epoxy to make comic tabletops, bar tops, and floors. Wherever the installation, the basic steps are the same. In this post, I’ll show you how to make a small tabletop decorated with comics and epoxy. Materials needed: Wood tabletop […]
The Bloopers Blog March 1, 2018 I’ve done a lot of projects in the last 7 years I’ve worked here. Which means I’ve messed up a lot of times as well. In this blog post, I’ll go over some mistakes I’ve made and how you can avoid them. General Bloopers: The most common problem I had when I first started was […]
Concrete Stamp Made from Urethane Rubber February 14, 2018 Urethane rubber has many uses because of its strength, durability, and flexibility. It is often used to pot or encapsulate underwater electronics, make shoe insoles, make molds for concrete bricks, blocks, and statues. It also makes an excellent stamp for concrete, where it is pressed into fresh, wet concrete to create a pattern. In this […]
Silicone Glove Mold and Fiberglass Mothermold November 14, 2017 With larger pieces, it is more cost effective to make a glove mold rather than a large block mold. A glove mold is also less cumbersome than a large block mold. Glove molds do need a supportive structure since they are thinner than a block mold, so I will make an epoxy and fiberglass mothermold […]
Latex Storage and Winter Weather October 30, 2017 Latex is a great mold making material that makes durable, long lasting molds for concrete, plaster, hydrocal and other non-exothermic casting materials. Finished latex molds have a long library life when properly stored as well. However, winter is coming and that can mean issues with shipping and storing uncured latex. DO Not use Liquid Mold […]
Make your own Silicone Soap Mold April 3, 2017 A silicone soap mold is a fun project to do with any one or two part silicone rubber mold. Soap making supplies can be found at most craft stores (We go to Michael’s). Here, I used a rubber duck mold I had already made for another project. If you want to make a 2 part […]
Trouble Shooting-Common Problems with Silicone, Latex, Urethane, Epoxy March 23, 2017 Sometimes, when working with new materials or working familiar materials in a new way, you run into issues. We previously wrote a post about common problems with curing, https://www.aeromarineproducts.com/curing-issues-trouble-shooting/ This post will focus on issues that might have a curing component (soft spots, sticky areas, etc.), but mostly on problems with the materials acting in unexpected […]
Silicone Candle Mold- One Piece Clam Shell Mold March 8, 2017 A silicone candle mold is a popular project that many customers ask about frequently. For this post, I’ll be doing a one piece clam shell mold from an electric candle. Candle molds can involve more than one part, depending on the complexity of the original. Often, people want to make candle molds from a glass […]
Silicone Putty Seashell Mold for Kids February 8, 2017 This is a fun and easy project to do with kids. You can simplify it by making it a simple one piece mold and/or leaving out the colorant. I find that seashells are an easy shape to mold from the silicone putty. Other small, simple shapes can work as well. Materials needed: AeroMarine Products Silicone […]
Food Grade Silicone Mold for Chocolate January 25, 2017 In this post, we’ will make a multi part food grade silicone mold for chocolate. Our Food Grade silicone is FDA approved and is great for casting candies, chocolate, fondant, sugar and the like. It is not approved for use in ovens, however. For this project, we will use ice cube trays in fun shapes […]